Saturday, January 9, 2010

Better with Age?

We've all heard it said, "things get better with age." Tell that to the wrinkles around my eyes, or the cellulite on my ass.

Today, I got a photo sent to me from a guy I dated years ago. Of course, I had to forward it to my best friend. You see, I chased this guy for months. I'd hang out at his apartment, always dressed super cute for the occasion. I put in so much effort but still received the dreaded line, "let's be friends." (I hate that line by the way...)

"He looks old," was Wendy's response. Now I know...that's harsh. But come on. Do things truly get better with age?

My answer: Maybe?

For me...well, I feel wiser. I feel more confident. I feel more assured of myself. And , I actually feel better (less hangovers maybe?) I'm eating better, working out, and taking care of myself. And a guy at my high school reunion recently told me I was hotter now than in high school (that made my ...decade).
Here's the thing, I know what I want and when I want it. But is that necessarily better?

My guess is when we all start out in the early phases of dating we're thin, tan, have visions of huge bank accounts and yachts in our heads. And that's what we all liked in each other. Vision. Ambition. Goals.

As we age, we realize. Hum...not going to get that yacht. So are we better off?
Not so much for my worn down friend.

And should that make me feel okay?

You bet your cellulite covered ass it does. When we are dumped by the ones we try so hard to impress...I wish every single girl out there would get a horrible photo from the men in their past. It just gives me a ground swell of warmth.

But to really answer the I like the wrinkles and the cellulite, no. But do I want to revert back to the silliness of not knowing who I am and acting totally stupid in front of men. Definitely therefore.
I am getting better with age. Tried, true and tested.

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