First entry:
All men have left the building. It is Christmas Eve afterall and only really crazy people are working. Well, maybe not everyone is crazy. I mean there are people who work at malls, grocery stores, UPS, FedEx etc...they aren't crazy (except maybe crazy busy...ha!) But I work in an office at a production company. Who else is working? Right. No one. But its this quietness that allows me to actually be productive. I'm hardly an effective employee when the office is full or chaos. Actually is anyone?
Anyway...welcome to my blog. I will extoll inner musings and hopefully share stories of love and loss, frustration and well..more frustration as I traverse the dating scene of La La Land. Granted, you will all need to really purchase my book when its published, but for now, you can read on and enjoy my pathetic life.
Welcome...I guarentee a bumpy ride.
Looking forward to the cheap thrill of the bumpy ride ahead!